
Application Engineer

Locație: Bucharest, Romania


Poziția nu mai este deschisă.

Requisition Number: 157726

Position Title: Associate Applications Engineer

External Description:

We are EA

And we make games – how cool is that? In fact, we entertain millions of people across the globe with the most amazing and immersive interactive software in the industry. But making games is hard work. That’s why we employ the most creative, passionate people in the industry.

The Challenge Ahead

This exciting role offers a talented individual the opportunity to work on Enterprise applications and services.  You will have the chance to become a domain expert for key applications used in game development, including Perforce, GitLab, Jenkins and JIRA. You will have the ability to work with game teams such as FIFA, Madden, Battlefield and Battlefront, and central teams such as Frostbite and Origin. You should have a strong focus on innovation and leverage a deep passion for technology.

Key Responsibilities and Skills

Scope Considerations


·       Works on problems of moderate scope and complexity


·       Receives detailed instructions on projects and assignments as assigned and guided by a more senior engineer


·       Impacts a project/team on small initiatives; may contribute as part of a team on larger initiatives


·       Influences internal project team


·       Investigates and explores options; informs decisions

·       Makes local day-to-day decisions that affect their work


Capabilities – What We Do


·       Reports progress and status through regular email or face to face communication with appropriate leads/managers


·       Understands the application architecture and solution design


·       Develops solutions as part of the game development application services portfolio that are modular, testable and reliable

·       Participates in actions related to the installation and maintenance of production systems

·       Discuss and raises issues with project/scrum team

·       Participates in service outages & restoration during an incident’s lifecycle


·       Understands business, product, technology requirements

·       Designs, writes and executes test cases

·       Files and regresses bugs (JIRA)


Capabilities – How We Do It


·       Writes and edits various materials (i.e. wiki, presentations, etc.)

·       Presents materials to colleagues and peers

·       Provides constructive ideas and feedback to peers

·       Communicates clearly with customers, including communicating complex technical problems concisely to technical and non-technical audiences


·       Provides effort estimations for assigned work

·       Prioritizes and updates their task schedules

·       Identifies and voices scheduling issues or conflicts


·       Solves problems in project domain

·       Participates in root cause analysis and corrective actions


·       Participates in small cross-discipline collaborative efforts inside of their own domain

·       Effectively brainstorms solutions to problems within a group

·       Gathers and shares knowledge relating to collaborative efforts

·       Works to ensure collaborative decisions are made in a timely manner


·       Ability to learn the tools necessary to build and manage applications used in Game Development

·       Ability to use a wide variety of open source technologies and Cloud services is an asset

·       Understanding of networking concepts is an asset; e.g. routing, subnets, DNS, etc.

·       Knowledge and experience with Virtual Machines, servers and other related hardware is an asset


We Thought You Might Also Want to Know

We love to brag about our great perks like comprehensive health and benefit packages; and of course, free video games. And since we realize it takes world-class people to make world-class games, we offer competitive compensation packages and a culture that thrives off creativity and individuality. At EA, we live the “work hard/play hard” credo every day.

Don’t Just Play It – Create It!

It’s not easy building the world’s best digital playground. It’s hair-standing-on-end exhilarating. It’s down-in-the-trenches challenging. It’s stroke-of-brilliance-at-midnight creative. It’s you—taking risks, challenging yourself, pursuing ideas, changing the way millions of people do something they love: play. In an industry that’s changing every day, EA is positioned for growth thanks to smart business plans, strategic acquisitions, and most importantly, our creative people around the world who gather each day to unite the world through play. We take that last part very seriously, so if what you’re reading excites you as much as it does us, apply today.



Community / Marketing Title: Application Engineer

Company Profile:

Electronic Arts Inc. este o companie de divertisment interactiv, lider la nivel mondial. EA oferă jocuri, conținut și servicii online pentru console conectate la Internet, calculatoare personale, telefoane mobile și tablete.

EEOText: Despre EA Electronic Arts există pentru a inspira lumea să joace. Creăm noi experiențe extraordinare de joc pentru milioanele noastre de jucători de pretutindeni, reunind oameni talentați care combină creativitatea, inovația și pasiunea. Știm că puterea noastră constă în diversitatea oamenilor noștri. Ne integrăm angajații într-o cultură incluzivă și le oferim oportunități pentru învățare și conducere, care le permit să întreprindă cele mai remarcabile și pline de satisfacție activități ale carierei lor. Angajații noștri sunt în prim-plan. Oferim pachete de beneficii cuprinzătoare, cu accent pe sănătate și bunăstare, pentru a vă susține necesitățile și pentru a vă ajuta să găsiți un echilibru între carieră și viața personală. Oferim acces la medii de lucru dinamice și cooperante, posibilități de conectare și de a vă aduce aportul prin intermediul grupurilor noastre de resurse pentru angajați, precum și sprijin pentru o viață echilibrată, cu zile libere și concediu de maternitate și de paternitate plătite, plus jocuri video gratuite și multe altele! Electronic Arts este un angajator care aplică principiul egalității de șanse. Toate deciziile de angajare sunt luate fără a ține seama de rasă, culoare, origine națională, descendență, sex, identitate sau exprimare de gen, orientare sexuală, vârstă, informații genetice, religie, dizabilități, stare medicală, sarcină, stare civilă, statut familial, statut de veteran sau orice altă caracteristică protejată de lege. De asemenea, Electronic Arts oferă locuri de muncă pentru persoanele calificate cu dizabilități, conform legislației aplicabile.

Days Open: 19

Can this position be remote?:

EEO Employer Verbiage:

EA este un angajator care oferă oportunități egale. Toate deciziile de angajare sunt luate fără a ține seama de rasă, culoare, origine națională, descendență, sex, identitate sau exprimare de gen, orientare sexuală, vârstă, informații genetice, religie, dizabilități, stare medicală, sarcină, stare civilă, statut familial sau statut de veteran. De asemenea, EA oferă locuri de muncă pentru persoanele cu handicap calificate, conform legislației aplicabile.

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