
Quality Designer

Location: Shanghai, China


This position is no longer open.

Requisition Number: 179520

Position Title: Quality Designer I

External Description:

  • Title: Quality Designer
  • Location: Shanghai
  • BU: QV Asia
  • Report to: Development Manager
  • We are looking for an experienced Test expert for FC Mobile in Shanghai. You will have 5+ years experience driving qualities with in-depth understanding of software design and implementation. You will identify quality issues and bugs as early as possible in the development cycle. You will become the voice of quality for the project. Also, we require test strategies and experience which challenge the software to provide a very high level of quality.
  • Role Overview
    • Partner with development team to build a game quality plan for assigned area throughout the game development cycle to ensure meeting highest quality.
    • Analyze bugs to accelerate "Bug Flow" between internal and external (including overseas) partners.
    • Research defects to provide detailed insight to different departments and studio teams.
    • Provide feedback on features with issues to improve in-game features using solid data analysis.
    • Identify opportunities for QA to provide early design feedback alongside defect prevention and containment activities.
    • Perform different testing types across multiple features.
    • Analyze potential risks to features and systems and escalate.
    • Analyze data to develop theories for potential experiments.
    • Propose recommendations based on data and research.
    • Connect with partners to influence best practices or immediate change.
    • Coordinate and adapt test efforts to align with project priorities.
    • Monitor test activities or processes based on project needs.
    • Ensure quality standards are part of the proposed strategy.
    • Define and contribute to project documentation.
    • Involved in discussions with partners, peers, and team to gain a clear overview.
    • Recognize changes towards existing priorities and strategy.
  • Qualifications
    • 5+ years game testing experience.
    • Experience in performance test.
    • Excellent debugging experience using tools to help debug.
    • Experience with QAs' involvement throughout the development cycle.
    • Ability of reading, and writing English.
    • Experience with identify risks and escalate to applicable during the project testing schedule.
    • Understanding of software development life cycle, practices and software engineering methodologies and their application to both development and QA.
    • Experience with express ideas in the form of comprehensive reports, analysis and presentations is plus.



Community / Marketing Title: Quality Designer

Company Profile:

Electronic Arts Inc. 是全球领先的互动娱乐软件公司。 EA 提供适用于联网主机、个人电脑、手机和平板电脑的游戏、内容和在线服务。

EEOText: 关于 EA 在 Electronic Arts,我们的宗旨是“激励世界,同享乐游”。我们让兼具创意、创新和激情的人才共聚一堂,为世界各地的亿万名玩家创造非凡的全新游戏体验。我们知道我们的长处在于员工的多样性。我们保证员工处于包容的文化之中,为其提供学习和领导的机会,让其从事职业生涯中最有影响力、最有价值的工作。 我们把我们的员工放在首位。我们为员工提供全面的、着重于健康和福祉的福利保障,以满足您的需求,并帮助您平衡您的职业生涯和个人生活。我们提供充满活力和共同协作的工作环境,您可通过我们的员工资源小组进行联系和贡献,享受带薪休假、产假和育儿假来平衡工作与生活,另外还有免费的电子游戏等更多福利! Electronic Arts 是一个机会平等的雇主。所有招聘决定均不考虑种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教信仰、残障状况、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况、退伍军人身份或其他任何受法律保护的特征等因素的影响。EA 还会遵照相关法律,为符合条件的残障个体改善工作环境。

Days Open: 92

Can this position be remote?: 0

EEO Employer Verbiage:

EA 是一个奉行机会均等的雇主。 所有招聘决定均不考虑种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教信仰、残障状况、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况或退伍军人身份等因素的影响。 EA 还会遵照相关法律,为符合条件的残障个体改善工作环境。

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